Teaching and Research Assistantships

Current Graduate Students

Salary and Benefits for 2023-2024 Academic Year

  • 50 (20 hours/week) Teaching Assistant appointment receives $9,708 for the entire quarter, plus fee remission
  • 25 (10 hours/week) Teaching Assistant appointment receives $4,854 for the entire quarter, plus fee remission
  • 25 Graduate Reader appointment receives $20.28 per hour and fee remission

Teaching assistant appointments of 25% or higher receive a partial fee remission*, except for courses taken in Summer Sessions/quarter**.

Teaching assistants appointed to Summer Sessions are appointed by the Office of Summer Sessions. There is no fee remission offered to any student academic appointment during the summer.

*Fee remission includes education and registration fees as well as Health Insurance.
**The salary and fee remission amounts are subject to change without notice.

How to Apply for Open Positions

Please submit an application through Handshake. Submit a separate application for each position to which you are applying.