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Aggies at Uber Pop the Hood for MSBA Students
UC Davis alums lead tour about new technologies and opportunities
For a few years now, my dream has been to work at Uber. The ride-sharing service stole my heart in the late-2000s with their tech platform breakthrough and affordable ride hailing service that has made transportation easier for millions worldwide.
Image UC Davis students recently had the chance to tour Uber's headquarters in San Francisco.
Walking Right Back into the World of Predictive Analysis
Executive Insights in Business Analytics Immersion
I thought I had left data science behind when I left experimental nuclear physics for my chosen career in medical physics.
When I took the next step of enrolling in the UC Davis Part-Time MBA program, I expected to move further away from my data

Bobbleheads Rule! Promos Can Predict Baseball Attendance
Analysis shows giveaways boost MLB game ticket sales
Fresh cut outfield grass, the smell of hot dogs and cool spring nights mean one thing, the Major League Baseball (MLB) season is in full swing.
While having a competitive, star-studded team makes baseball marketers’ jobs much easier, promoting the

Small Data Tells a Big Story
Big Data is overblown, bigger problems lack data
Everyone is talking about big data today. While there are many applications and opportunities to harness big data to disrupt industries and revolutionize company operations, the conventional wisdom proclaims you should feel ashamed if you don’t solve

4 Questions with MSBA Alum Dane Hamlett
We ask MSBA alumnus Dane Hamlett about work, school, tips for students and more.
"Storytelling is the most important skill."
I recently caught up with Dane Hamlett, a Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) alumnus of the charter class in 2018 and a senior business analytics leader at Adobe.
His transition from a full

Exploring Robotics, Startups and Traditions in Japan
International Study Trip highlights culture, business and innovation
Yokosuka City, just 40 miles south of Tokyo, is home to one of Nissan’s oldest and longest-operated full-scale passenger car plants, and it became one of the last, but most memorable, visits for our MBA student group during our week-long trip to

True Grit: New Passion Leads to Accounting Career
"At 12, I declared I would one-day be an NCAA D1 swimmer"
As a child I was single minded. My parents often tell stories about my childhood, when I would make a “decision” to do something and would never back down. Fear or failure were not options. I attacked my goals and never backed down.
When I was

Storytelling Anchors 24-Hour Data Hackathon
With little sleep, MSBA students team up on creative big data solutions
On April 10, around 4 a.m., as the rest of the world sleeps, 39 business analysts are pouring their third cup of coffee to stay wide awake as they hit hour number 12 of the 2019 UC Davis Data Hackathon.
The Master of Science and Business Analytics

MBA Students Look for Opportunity in Chile for Capstone Experience
Team project to expand UC Davis’ visibility in Latin America
There were many firsts that came with this trip to Santiago, Chile. The MBA program’s first international Integrated Management Project (IMP); the first time many of us had visited Latin America; and the first time some of us were thrust into the

Finding a Passion for Accounting
Undergrad accounting courses at UC Davis paid dividends
My undergraduate experience at UC Davis was a confusing time. I didn’t know who I was or who I wanted to be, but I knew that I was in the right place. Through my courses, I discovered that I had an interest in accounting. What drew me in was that

The Organizational Values… of Myself
“Put your money where your mouth is.”
Or, to put it another way.
“If you’re not willing to accept the pain real values incur, don’t bother going to the trouble of formulating a values statement.”
A 2002 Harvard Business Review article by Patrick M
Capitalizing on the Cloud
MSBA offers prep to become Amazon Web Services Cloud Practitioner
With the growing popularity and application of cloud solutions, the UC Davis Master of Science in Business Analytics program offered a free prep course for Amazon Web Service’s (AWS) Cloud Practitioner certification. It was a wonderful opportunity