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Connecting Outside of Class: Davis Day, Speed Networking and Adobe Analytics
How I’m maximizing my MSBA student experience
“Maximizing your student experience at the Graduate School of Management involves more than just attending classes—that’s just the tip of the iceberg,” writes MSBA student Amber Sills.

UC Davis MPAc Orientation: Building Lifelong Friendships and Landing Job Offers
Being part of the MPAc program isn't just an achievement—it's a gift.
MPAc student Aditya Prasad shares highlights of the five-day program orientation, including career advice, networking opportunities, and landing three job offers at the Meet the Firms event.

Postcard from Berlin: Our International Consulting Experience in the Heart of Europe
Presenting to clients in a city brimming with cultural diversity, warmth and innovation
MBA students Mary Wen and Faye Wu share their journey to Berlin where their teams presented recommendations to consulting clients and visited top companies in the historic German capital.

Seeing the Unseen: How Dreaming Big Can Change the World
The power of purpose, dedication, and entrepreneurship
MBA student Dillon Hill shares his entrepreneurial journey having launched charities, set fundraising world-records, founded a marketing agency, won the UC Davis Big Bang! Business Competition and more.

Choosing the Perfect Graduate School
From dilemma to decision and why I chose UC Davis
MSBA student Maanvee Mehrotra shares how she meticulously curated data analytics programs that matched her interests, narrowed her options and why she chose UC Davis.

Becoming a Data Hero: How My MSBA is Shaping My Journey and Beyond
Practicum projects, data analytics, and networking led me to UC Davis
Mrimon "Nemo" Guha highlights that the diverse student body, supportive faculty, and his aspiration to enhance his data analytics expertise were ultimately why he decided on UC Davis.

From Saunas to Marketing Strategies: My MBA Summer School Story
Studying at LUT as part of UC Davis International Exchange Program
Bay Area MBA Prachi Mishra summarizes her summer study experience at LUT University in Finland, including learning about high-tech global products, participating in Finnish traditions and exploring Europe.

Emerge Summit 2023: Leading with Legacy - A Transformative Experience
My reflections as a first-time attendee and breakout session speaker
Jocelyn Guzman MBA 24 shares her experience attending and presenting at Sacramento Metro EDGE’s Emerge Summit, where she joined fellow MBAs to speak about challenges faced by women of color.

Back to UC Davis: My Experience Auditing Project Management Course
“We quickly adapted and embraced the spirit of learning and competition.”
Bay Area MBA alumna Aliona Chistol reflects on auditing the Product Management course, a heartwarming homecoming with faculty, students, fellow graduates and mentors. “UC Davis provides a place where academic lessons blend seamlessly with personal growth.”
Why UC Davis? Meet 2023 Master of Professional Accountancy Students
New MPAc students share where they came from and their goals
UC Davis consistently attracts the best and brightest MPAc students from all over the world. Hear "Why UC Davis" is the best fit for members of our incoming MPAc class of 2023.

Brewing Up Success: My Journey to Join Starbucks as Data Analyst
MSBA program offers flawless curriculum design and implementation
Alum Saya Banerjee credits the MSBA program for gaining experience collaborating with industry partners and tackle real-world business challenges—leading to a role at Starbucks.

Executive Insight: Wisdom, Networking, Inspiration
Sacramento Metro EDGE event offers face time with area leaders
Sacramento MBA Marissa Hernandez shares her experience at Metro EDGE’s Executive Insight, meeting area leaders from healthcare, wine industry, coffee entrepreneurs and higher education, including GSM Senior Assistant Dean for Student Affairs Amy Russell.