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Sequoia's China Portfolio Hits Speed Bump After Tech Crackdown
Professor Ayako Yasuda, says regulation of VC investment in online education “fits the overall more confrontational stance of the (Chinese) government to take on the U.S. and assert its dominance as the global superpower,” and in turn, “puts U.S. VCs

Distinguished Professor Paul Griffin Named Honorary Professor in New Zealand
Distinguished Professor Paul Griffin, a founding faculty member at the GSM, has also been appointed as an Honorary Professor in the Department of Accounting and Finance at the University of Otago, New Zealand—the country’s oldest university and

Daniel Segel Utilizing MBA to Benefit Others During the Pandemic
Keeping students healthier so they can make the world a better place.
“The (UC Davis) MBA program gave me new skills, capabilities, and connections to get my foot in the tech field,” says Daniel Segel MBA 96, who helped set up the technology the university uses for mass, on-campus COVID testing, and vaccination.

Unnava Reappointed as Graduate School of Management Dean
H. Rao Unnava has served as dean since 2016
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Mary Croughan has reappointed H. Rao Unnava as the dean of the Graduate School of Management for a second five-year term.

Adobe Analytics Challenge: 14 Past Competitors Share How it Impacted Their Careers
Three UC Davis MS in Business Analytics alumni, Ashish Ranshinge, Paridhi Agal, and Vardhini Manivannan, reflect on their experience competing in past Adobe Analytics Challenges and how it "opened doors" for them.

Why Livestreamers Should Sell Their Products with a Poker Face – Not a Smile
Research from Professor Prasad Naik suggests smiling or exhibiting other positive emotional displays while selling a product during a livestream makes people less likely to buy it.

Livestream Retailers: Why Hosts Should Sell with a Poker Face
Professor Prasad Naik and researchers from University of Tennessee published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that investigates the sales impact of emotional expressions by the hosts of livestream retailing.

Why Your Onboarding Process Needs to Adapt to a Hybrid Workforce
A study conducted by Professor Kim Elsbach showed that maintaining work relationships is a huge challenge for remote workers, and people who feel connected with their managers (even if it’s through video calls and chats) are more likely to get

Valued Managers Exhibit a Range of Emotions—Positive and Negative. Why Does Crying Get a Bad Rap?
Professor Kim Elsabch surveyed 3,200 workers and executives and found that 52 percent of respondents had lost their temper at work, suggesting it was acceptable to show anger in the office. Yet 70 percent of the group held negative views about crying

Jonathan Pan Named to Poets&Quants' MBAs to Watch List
With a background in neurobiology and a love for food, Full-Time MBA student Jonathan Pan was recently recognized among Poets&Quants' MBAs to Watch: Class of 2021.

Recent Court Ruling and Shareholder Decisions Add Pressure, but It’s the Market that will Drive Oil Giants to Change
Distinguished Professor Paul Griffin says the real force that will drive Big Oil to reconsider how it manages emissions isn't the courts or activist pressure, it is more simple: It has to do with making money.

GSM Alumna, UC Davis Vice Chancellor Kelly Ratliff Joins White House Vaccine Panel
Alumna Kelly Ratliff MBA 93, a top administrator from UC Davis, will join a White House panel with Dr. Anthony Fauci to discuss the COVID-19 College Vaccine Challenge.