Undergraduate Course Offerings
Courses offered by Graduate School of Management
This page provides an overview of the undergraduate courses currently offered by GSM. It includes key details such as course titles, descriptions, prerequisites and short course descriptions. Please note that course offerings are subject to change based on factors such as instructor availability, classroom space and student demand.
Lower Division Courses
MGT 011A: Elementary Accounting
Lecture/discussion – 4 hours
Offered: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer Session
Basic concepts of accounting; interpreting and using financial statements; understanding accounting principles.
Prerequisite: None
MGT 011B: Elementary Accounting
Lecture/discussion – 4 hours
Offered: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer Session
Theory of product costing; Analyzing the role and impact of accounting information on decision making; planning and performance evaluation.
Prerequisite: MGT 011A
MGT 012Y: Navigating Life’s Financial Decisions
Lecture/discussion – 3 hours
Offered: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer Session
Survey of major life financial decisions (e.g., career choice, consumption v. saving, investments, mortgages, insurance) and how decision-making biases (e.g., overconfidence, present bias, limited attention) can lead to suboptimal choice. Draws on research from economics, psychology, and sociology.
Prerequisite: None
Upper Division Courses
MGT 101: Sources and Uses of Accounting Information
Lecture/discussion – 4 hours
Offered: Fall, Spring
This course develops an understanding of the supply and demand for accounting information. Specifically, the course details how accounting information is used by capital market participants for valuation and contracting purposes, for tax compliance and planning, and attestation and transaction services. The roles of various regulatory agencies, including the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) and the Internal Revenue Service, in mandated reporting are discussed. Also includes analysis of companies’ voluntary reporting practices.
Prerequisite: C- or better in both MGT 11A and MGT 11B
MGT 103: Intermediate Financial Accounting I
Lecture/discussion – 4 hours
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
This course, the first in a three course sequence, introduces the student to concepts, theory and applications of financial reporting practices, where the primary focus is on the accounting for assets. Topics covered include inventory valuations, capital assets and their corresponding depreciation and impairment, and intangible assets. Attention is given to examples on current reporting practices and to the study of reporting requirements under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
Prerequisites: MGT 11A, MGT 11B
MGT 105: Intermediate Financial Accounting II
Lecture/discussion – 4 hours
Offered: Fall, Winter
This course builds on the concepts and theories of MGT 103, where the focus becomes the accounting for liabilities. Topics covered include the accounting for debt, pensions, warranties, and income taxes.
Prerequisite: MGT 103
MGT 107: Intermediate Financial Accounting III
Lecture/discussion – 4 hours
Offered: Winter, Spring
Building on MGT 103 and 105, this course focuses on the accounting for equity, which ultimately affects companies’ capital structure. The course highlights the variation in capital structure across companies in the global capital markets, and the consequences of such for valuation and contracting.
Prerequisite: MGT 105
MGT 120: Managing and Using Information Technology
Lecture/discussion – 4 hours
Offered: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer Session
Develop an analytical framework to manage and monitor business systems concerned with operational, human, and organizational interactions. Introduction to computer hardware, systems software and information systems. Management of information technology and the impact of information systems on modern management.
Prerequisite: None
MGT 140: Marketing for the Technology-based Enterprise
Lecture/discussion – 4 hours
Offered: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer Session
Quantitative analysis of needs in a product (technology-based) economy, with emphasis on how scientists, engineers and business people interact to develop and market products and services.
Prerequisite: None; Not open to freshman
MGT 150: Technology Management
Lecture/discussion – 4 hours
Offered: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer Session
It is recommended to start with this class for the Technology Management Minor.
Management of firms in high technology industries such as software development and biotechnology research. Motivating and managing workers, organizing for innovation and making decisions.
Prerequisite: None
MGT 151: Management of Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Lecture/discussion – 4 hours
Offered: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Innovation and entrepreneurship in established companies or new ventures. Knowledge, skills, and hands-on experiences in creative problem-solving, decision-making, building new ventures, and innovation strategy.
Prerequisite: None
MGT 160: Financing New Business Ventures
Lecture/discussion – 4 hours
Offered: Spring
Concepts/methods used to structure and finance new business ventures. Topics include evaluating the net social (financial) benefit of new investment projects; raising venture capital; the role of the venture capitalist; and the choice of organizational structure in new ventures.
Prerequisites: MGT 11A and STA 13 (or higher)
**Please note all prerequisites or equivalent courses must be completed before enrolling in MGT 160; prerequisites cannot be waived and concurrent enrollment is not allowed.**
MGT 170: Management Accounting and Control
Lecture/discussion – 4 hours
Offered: Fall, Winter, Spring
Covers the design of cost accounting systems, the preparation of financial budgets and forecasts, cost analysis, and the use of cost and other financial data to motivate and evaluate the performance of business units and managers.
Prerequisite: MGT 11A and MGT 11B
**Please note all prerequisites or equivalent courses must be completed before enrolling in MGT 170; concurrent enrollment is not allowed.**
MGT 180: Supply Chain Planning and Management
Lecture/discussion – 4 hours
Offered: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer Session
Course develops key concepts and relationships between supply chain design and business models and strategies. Much of the focus is on quantitative techniques for analysis and management of the production and delivery of goods and services by an organization.
Prerequisite: None