Game-Changer: Personal Branding Lessons that Led Me to the Kings’ Court
Eddie Ramirez standing on the Sacramento Kings court, holding up a basketball jersey

Game-Changer: Personal Branding Lessons that Led Me to the Kings’ Court

Elevating my career through authentic brand building

Sacramento Part-Time MBA Eddie Ramirez shares how a transformative weekend course in personal branding helped him gain confidence, showcase his passions and land an unforgettable opportunity at a Sacramento Kings game.

Finding My Voice at UC Davis: My First-Gen Journey from Communications to Business
Alexis Rangel at a podium

Finding My Voice at UC Davis: My First-Gen Journey from Communications to Business

Overcoming imposter syndrome to break barriers

From imposter syndrome to breaking barriers, Master of Management student Alexis Rangel, a first-gen student, shares her journey from communications to business, embracing diversity and becoming a stand-out peer leader.

How Becoming a Tax Volunteer Led Me to a Future in Accounting
Sage Taylor

How Becoming a Tax Volunteer Led Me to a Future in Accounting

"Learning and contributing felt like the perfect fit for my new path."

MPAc student Sage Taylor MPAc 25 a former pre-vet student, discovered her passion for accounting through tax prep. Now, she’s launching her career with a job at DHS Advisors.

HappyFeed Wins Food and Ag Category at Big Bang! Business Competition
Galih Setiawan holding up check

HappyFeed Wins Food and Ag Category at Big Bang! Business Competition

Building community and sustainable change through social cause and entrepreneurship

Galih Setiawan MBA 24, co-founder of HappyFeed, reflects on his journey as a first-gen student transitioning from corporate life to winning the Food and Ag category in the Big Bang! Business Competition, and how UC Davis GSM nurtured his entrepreneurial spirit.

How My MBA Beat My Imposter Syndrome
Verenice Andrade standing in the streets of Tokyo

How My MBA Beat My Imposter Syndrome

"I learned how to truly advocate for myself, ask bold questions, and take control of my career.”

Verenice Andrade MBA 24 conquered adversity in her hometown to seize opportunity as a senior paralegal at PG&E. Her journey as she pursued an MBA at UC Davis, elevating her skills and unlocking limitless opportunities.


Switching My Gameplan: Pursuing a Career in Accounting
Kendall Richard wearing a graduation sash and cap

Switching My Gameplan: Pursuing a Career in Accounting

How I landed a job as Tax Associate at KPMG in San Francisco

As a UC Davis undergrad, MPAc student Kendall Lorraine Richards realized she was more a “numbers” person and discovered a passion for accounting. She’ll start as a tax associate at KPMG in San Francisco this fall. 

Getting Down to Business: Pursuing My Biotech Passion with an MBA
Kathy Truong holding up a UC Davis promotional cow with Brian Risi

Getting Down to Business: Pursuing My Biotech Passion with an MBA

Collaborative environment and Industry Immersion pave the way

Kathy Truong MBA 24 highlights how a UC Davis MBA alum’s encouragement and the unique Biotechnology Industry Immersion program attract her to the Bay Area MBA—and how she is thriving in the collaborative environment.

Boost Your Personal Brand: Four Effective Strategies for a Career Change
Allison Judy with unidentified fellow MBA student in Gallagher Hall

Boost Your Personal Brand: Four Effective Strategies for a Career Change

Following the E.P.I.C. Personal Branding Strategy

Transitioning from high school chemistry teacher to women’s healthcare advocate, Full-Time MBA Allison Judy shares her success with the E.P.I.C. Personal Brand Strategy, crafted by UC Davis Lecturer Vanessa Errecarte.

Finance to Accounting: How the Pandemic Made Me Pivot
Fatehbir Singh smiling

Finance to Accounting: How the Pandemic Made Me Pivot

UC Davis MPAc program led to a job offer from PwC

MPAc Fatehbir Singh explains how the pandemic caused him to pivot into accounting to seek a career with job security. After leaving his comfort zone, Fatehbir now has a job offer from PwC after graduation.

Work Where You Want to Live: My Move to Western Wyoming
Williams family posing in front of their business sign

Work Where You Want to Live: My Move to Western Wyoming

How my UC Davis MBA helped shape my career and life

MBA alumnus Grant Williams shares the big risks he and his family took to follow their dreams to move to rural Wyoming, putting what he learned into play to launch and operate The Block, a growing meat processing plant.

My Desire to Help Others Led to Accounting
Kevin Lai MPAc 23

My Desire to Help Others Led to Accounting

How I pivoted from psychology to UC Davis, now heading to Big 4 firm

Kevin Lai MPAc 23 shares that he was nervous his non-accounting background would hold him back. Just months into the program he already had an offer to join the Silicon Valley office of EY.   

My Journey to UC Davis: From Systems Engineer to Caregiver to Entrepreneur
Yekhiel Orokunle with his wife, Sydney Or okunle, and their children.

My Journey to UC Davis: From Systems Engineer to Caregiver to Entrepreneur

"Would you trade a six-figure salary for saving a life in your family?"

After leaving my job to help my wife through a difficult pregnancy, I joined the UC Davis MBA program and before I graduated brought a product to market and launched a company, Smart Rentics Inc., that helps millennials save up to $2,500 in monthly rent.

With $200 in My Pocket and the American Dream in My Eyes
Muhammad Adeel Arshad MBA 22

With $200 in My Pocket and the American Dream in My Eyes

My immigrant journey to earning an MBA—and entrepreneurial success

Arriving in the U.S. in 2014, Muhammad Adeel Arshad worked his way up from a tire warehouse to earn his UC Davis MBA and now says he's living his American Dream as a Silicon Valley entrepreneur.

Growing My Entrepreneurial Mindset—and Exploring New Options
Diane Lim holding certificate

Growing My Entrepreneurial Mindset—and Exploring New Options

My 5 Takeaways from the UC Entrepreneurship Academy

At the unique four-day academy, Sacramento Part-Time MBA student Diane Lim says she found mentorship, a collaborative spirit and support for her future business ideas.

My Transition from Teaching to Microsoft
Meschi in front of Microsoft building

My Transition from Teaching to Microsoft

Following my passion to raise the standard of education globally

"In the midst of my first week as an elementary school teacher, I was awoken by a harsh reality: the current classroom curriculum is outdated," writes Sacramento Part-Time MBA Parisa Meschi.

Taking the Leap into Accounting at UC Davis
Brian Favetti

Taking the Leap into Accounting at UC Davis

Bringing my skills from higher education to a new calling in MPAc program

"2020 changed by life forever...I began to give serious thought to where I wanted to take my career and how I could prepare for my best future. The UC Davis MPAc program offered me an exciting new professional career path," says Brian Favetti MPAc 23.